Take a stroll down Memory Lane with this collection of heart-warming stories from days gone by. "Christmas Memories" is an assortment of vintage 8mm and 16mm films uniquely woven together. Join in as storytellers whisk you away to yesteryear and take you behind the film to their favorite Christmas memories. You'll cry. You'll laugh, but most of all as your are transported to childhood, to Grandma's, to all of these favorite places you'll say "I remember when..." This assortment of memories is a Christmastime Treasure. From favorite childhood toys to snow forts; family gatherings to the Christ child; savor the familiar sights and sounds of your favorite holiday. As you go back in time relish the comfort of family-filled moments. Bring the good old days back to you and your family and celebrate the spirit of Christmas this holiday season!
Cast: Jill Parr, Bryan Duncan, Milone Weir, Lee Cameron, Brian Hardin, Maureen Davis, Brent Boyd, Tim Weir, Jon Batson, Jim Leightenheimer, Eileen Batson