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The Today Show: Veteran Jill Younghusband & Dr Laurie Are Joined by the Executive Director of the Veterans Association Food Bank (Marie Blackburn) in Calgary Alberta - Episode 28

by tdc

Today, Veteran Jill Younghusband and Dr Laurie are joined by the Executive Director of the Veterans Association Food Bank (Marie Blackburn) in Calgary Alberta. This will be a moving exchange of information as our Veterans are forced to use a food bank for survival.

The Veterans' Association Food Bank is actually part of a wrap around organization: The Veterans' Association. Whatever a veteran needs they will help them with it - whether it is help to pay the rent, clothing, companionship, medical care etc...

Calgary location: Phone: 403.367.8387 | Email: marie@vafb.ca
Edmonton location: Phone: 403.367.8387 | Email: finance@vafb.ca

Website: https://veteransassociation.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VeteransAssociationFoodBankYEG/

TDC also presents on closing, BiPolaRMan singing "A Thousand Highways"

Presented by The Disability Channel

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