Motivational Monday, self care, self improvement, Dr Laurie and Virginia Clarke discuss how our level of self worth impacts our health and wellness.
https://www.thedisabilitychannel.ca Virginia Clarke is a breast cancer survivor and has been out of work for a year. So Dr. Laurie is doing a fund raiser for Virginia! Dr. Laurie on Sun., Sept 15, 6 - 8 pm MT will be doing an online workshop "10 Ways to Build Confident Children". The workshop would also help to prevent bullying as confident children are less seldom bullied. This workshop also applies to grown children! The workshop is only $25 and the money goes to help Virginia. A bank etransfer or paypal can be used to the email //unbound.bravery@gmail.com" target="_blank" title=" unbound.bravery@gmail.com"> unbound.bravery@gmail.com. You can also give more if you want and the workshop is a great deal at $25. We have a treat for you... at the end of the Today Show, TDC presents Fraser Newcombe singing his song "Coal Boat".
The Today Show is Presented by The Disability Channel